Cigars with feta, honey and sour cherries
Makes 24
150g feta cheese
150g ricotta cheese
200g dry sour cherries
4 tbsp clear honey
1 pack of filo pastry (10 sheets)
200g melted butter
150g of pistachio, toasted and roughly chopped
Preheat the oven at 180C.
Mix the feta and ricotta with the cherries, sugar and honey in a bowl. Taste for salt to sugar ratio. You should be able to taste the saltiness of feta, and get a bit of a tang from the cherries, but the mixture should be creamy and sweet too.
On a dusted surface roll out the filo pastry sheet by sheet. While you are working with one, keep the others under a damp towel.
You can either work right to left or bottom to the top, just make sure that you start at the narrower end of the filo sheet.
Spread the cheese and cherry mixture over the surface and begin to roll into a cigar shape. Brush the dough with melted butter every now and again. You can tuck in the ends half way through, like a parcel, or leave the ends open and squeeze them together at the end.
Transfer the cigar onto a baking tray layered with parchment paper, generously brush with butter and squeeze it gently towards the centre so it is reduced in length and becomes ‘wrinkly’. Drizzle with more honey and sprinkle with chopped pistachios.
Repeat with each sheet.
When the tray is full, put in in a pre-heated oven for 10-15 minutes.
The pastry should be golden brown and crunchy.
Cut each cigar in half and serve while hot.