Coming soon
Her Food | She Eats with Her Body | Empowering Women through Food
A holistic approach to wholesome eating by reconnecting to the pleasure of eating, by inviting the intuition back into your body. A new set of programmes dedicated to working with the mind and the body through mindset work, feminine yoga and cooking classes. Focus on feminine cycles and fertility and support of women through the early stages of motherhood, from conception to toddlerhood.
My vision
I see so many incredible women around me, unique and inimitable in their beauty. I feel so connected to them through our shared experience of pain, of shame, of insecurity and fear of being vulnerable, but I also connect to them through the shared power of our being, of our bodies, of our innate intelligence and our internal light. I see so many women not living the life they want, and not even knowing what would that life be. They walk someone else’s walk and look to others to make essential decisions about their own bodies - what and how they should eat, how they should move, how they should receive pleasure and how they should birth their children.
This realisation resonates deeply with me, as I was that woman and still am more than I want to admit to sometimes. It saddens me that we miss the chance to have the most profound connection and the most nurturing relationship of our lives - with ourselves and our bodies. It is as if we are all walking around with the most incredible box of wisdom, love, kindness and acceptance, yet some of us don’t even know we have it, others don’t know how to or are not wiling to open it.
To me connection to the body is the key. Knowing the body and knowing how to re-learn and to remember its language. Food is the main conductor in this connection. It is our life source, a source of pleasure, of nutrients and of social interactions. Women denying themselves the right to eat with the body, to listen to the body, to tune into the map of their cycles, and to experience great joy and pleasure from being one with the body, is a pain I feel viscerally.
I see a woman who eats with pleasure, with wisdom and knowledge. Who nourishes and nurtures her body so that it can take care of her and birth new life. I see a woman who moves with confidence and in sync with her cycle. I see a woman who emanates the quiet knowing, who senses Life vibrating in her body, who values her uniqueness and is connected with the rest of the women surrounding her.
I see a woman who sees herself, as she is.
I see a woman who is love, who is life, who is nature, who is the universe.
Please get in touch if you’d like to take part in my Facebook focus group.